L’actualité du vin vue par

Discover the elegance and authenticity of the South-West through the magical vineyards of Domaine Les Roques de Cana. Immerse yourself in the region’s unique terroir, where tradition and innovation combine to create exceptional wines. Immerse yourself in the history, flavors and bewitching cuvées of this French vineyard.

A little history…

Spearheaded by Martial Guiette, the Roques de Cana project was spearheaded by 24 enthusiasts who wanted to restore the terroir and wines of the South-West to the great reputation they enjoyed in the 18th century.

Situated on the Causse plateau, this exceptional terroir was considered by the Emperors of Rome, François I and the Tsars of Russia to produce the finest wines!

Cahors is linked to Christian history. A Mass wine of the Orthodox Church for 800 years, its grape variety, Malbec, is said to have sacred origins. The village of “Les Roques” evokes, by name, the Woman of the Apocalypse, protected by the rock of the river of water spat out by a dragon according to the scriptures.

The flagship cuvées are a must-taste:

The four names of the cuvées refer to the 3 main moments of the Gospel and the three great stages in a man’s life. Today, the domaine practices sustainable agriculture and is recommended by Bettane et Desseauve, Jancis Robinson and Gilbert & Gaillard.

  • Graal Sanctus: “This ambitious cuvée reveals sophisticated, intriguing aromas of cocoa powder, black fruits and spices. Voluminous and concentrated on the palate, with a velvety texture and perfectly extracted tannins. Bettane & Dessauve.

A fine, intense nose combining red fruit and vanilla-mocha notes. This cuvée is the perfect match for roast rack of lamb with truffle mashed potatoes.

  • Sanguis Christi: Winner of the Gold Medal at the China Wine and Spirits Award and Coup de Coeur of the Twil Committee, Sanguis Christi is worthy of the greatest wines of France. Oenologists and sommelier-critics place it on a par with “premier grands crus from Bordeaux”.

This structured, powerful wine reveals all the elegance of the Malbec grape from the Roques terroir, and goes perfectly with duck confit or even chocolate fondant.


  • Le Vin des Noces: Symbolizing the wedding feast at Cana, Christ’s first miracle, the day he turned water into wine, this unoaked cuvée expresses all the freshness and minerality of the Roques terroir. The wine is aged in cement vats for 10 months to bring out all the freshness of the Malbec grape.

Rated 90/100 by Yves Beck and 16.5/20 by Jancis Robinson, it will go perfectly with grilled entrecôte or even mature cheeses.


  • 1305: This wine has a deep, intense purple to black color, with an intense nose of red fruits such as blackcurrant and blackberry. A supple, greedy attack on the palate, this is a tender, powerful wine. The date 1305 refers to the year when the first wines from southwest France were sent to Asia.

Rated 91/100 by Bettane et Desseauve and 91/100 by Yves Beck . This wine goes perfectly with tapas, grilled meats and cheeses.


So don’t wait any longer to taste these wonderful vintages from the South-West! 🍇


De Ana Fourneyron

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